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Your questions answered
Why do Healthcare providers need TrialChoices?With 6000+ trials a year globally, electronic UK patient data will bring faster and more efficient trial recruitment. We are offering a one stop shop, we find the research and let you know the patient selection criteria. We precheck all research organisation and we negotiate the commercial recruitment fee on your behalf.
What will Healthcare providers need to do?Once you have subscribed, we'll store your contact information and when a new research opportunity arrives we'll notify you. Prior to the study protocol being approved, we'll update you again with the final patient acceptance criteria. Any patient information / data will be securely uploaded to the research organisations portal by your surgery or admin team. TrialChoices need no access to patient data at anytime. We will also examine the patient care provided during the research and post research, and provide you with this information prior to SSU (study start-up).
How am I compensated?Commercial recruitment fee's vary widely. If you've subscribed to a specific therapeutic area, when a study is being planned, we'll give an indication of the commercial recruitment fee. Once you know the proposed fee, you can make an informed decision on whether or not to participate.
What is the process to join?You don't need to join, you only need to subscribe to the therapeutic area's that interests you. If you'd like to ask another question, just ping us:
Secure Trial Planning LibraryWe will shortly be offering a secure trial planning library, this will allow high-level, anonymous trail descriptions to be available to our Healthcare providers. This feature will be password protected and an NHS account will be needed to access this information. The library will allow Researchers to determine interest and examine future details around location, patient numbers and other logistical criteria. No identifiable research organisation information will be visible. Any questions?
UK Clinic FinderWe're in the process of creating a UK clinic finder, a single place to search pre-approved facilities. This feature will be available later this year. Any questions?
What are the first steps?We will either contact you with a short presentation or you can email us with your expression of interest. The first step is our checklist to assess suitability. Once we have the necessary information from you, and after initial screening, we'll start our conversation to begin the planning and compliance phase. With all Research organisations, the kick-off meeting is face to face. Contact us at:
Who are TrialChoices? Who owns us?We are a UK-owed independent organisation, owned by the people that work here. While we will work with research organisations around the world, our plan is to remain UK owned and operated.
Who will & who won't we work with?We will never work with organisations in countries where the level of medical regulation is perceived as inferior to that of the UK, EU, North America and other carefully selected countries. Our approved research partners will need to demonstrate both local and international compliance with governing medical regulators. We will also examine the patient care provided during the research and post research, and provide you with this information during SSU (study start-up).
What does TrialChoices do?We work directly with GPs and Healthcare providers, matching research opportunities with patients. We plan to work with medical charities, research organisations such as universities and specialist hospitals. We will also work with carefully selected pharmaceutical and biotech’s in the private sector.
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